
This campaign doesn’t look like closing soon. Poli Troyanova, as always, has managed to transform a bad experience into something positive. Poli says that venoscopes are needed: „I spend a lot of time in a hospital with my youngest son, who is 1 year old. Finding a child’s vein is no easy task. After a...
„My name is Lora. I was hospitalized there with my daughter some time back. I lived in a true nightmare. I don’t wish it to anyone. It was like a true prison, like in a horror movie. Squalor, leaking pipes and sinks where you wash your feet together with your hands. The toilet door was...
26 children whose world has turned upside down by the death of a parent. Some of them lost both their parents. These are the children of our Fund. Every month we provide grants of 500 BGN ( 6000 BGN per child on a yearly basis) in order to minimize material worries, but mostly so they...
Thеse pictures are taken by parents of sick children in the children’s departments of different hospitals in Bulgaria in 2021. If you are shocked by the images, it means that you are normal and emotional people. We arranged thеse photos in an exhibition held in front of the „Ivan Vazov“ National Theater to take a...
The ‘Za Dobroto’ Foundation has started the #Children’s Hospitals in Bulgaria 2021 campaign in the month prior to the local government elections. Its aim is to draw attention on the inhuman conditions in the children’s hospital units. The pictures and the parents’ first-hand experience stories and their children’s nightmares are a mirror in which politicians...
Initiated by BG4UA, together with the BCause Foundation, the fundraising campaign “A NEW BEGINNING for the Ukrainian Women and Children in Bulgaria” enters a new stage. The campaign will allocate 210 000 BGN – a big portion of the funds collected so far, to support the Integration center for Ukrainian refugees of Foundation „Za dobroto“,...
We are happy to announce that Metro Bulgaria helped vaccinate 13 000 people and collected 24 560 BGN for the Children of Heroes Fund. The donation is part of the campaign Vaccine With a Cause. Thank you to all who decided to get vaccinated in a Metro vaccination center and donated their gift voucher for...
Today is November 3rd, 2021 and the Children of Heroes Fund offers monthly grants to 25 children of medical workers and educators who died in the pandemic. The meaning behind showing you the numbers in this report is to ask everyone to think about what is happening in our society: an unbearable number of pointless...
Детското отделение #Светулка в областната многопрофилна болница в Силистра е втората светулка в мрачните условия за детско здравеопазване в България. Първата е в болницата в Айтос. Със завеждащата отделението д-р Чумпалова избрахме за откриването светла дата – на Голяма Богородица. С ново оборудване, цветни и дружелюбни са интензивният сектор, манипулационната и 10 стаи за пациенти...
Инициираната от BG4UA, съвместно с Фондация BCause, кампания за фондонабиране  “НОВО НАЧАЛО за украинските жени и деца в България” навлиза в нов етап.  Кампанията ще насочи 210 000 лв. – голяма част от събраните досега средства, в подкрепа на Интеграционния център за украински бежанци на Фондация „За доброто“, която има ключова роля за разрешаването на...
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