We donated tablets with fairytales for healing to the SBAL Children’s Hospital „Prof. Dr. Ivan Mitev“

Za Dobroto Foundation donated 10 tablets for the pediatric patients in SBAL Children’s Hospital „Prof. Dr. Ivan Mitev“. Each device has free applications for children’s movies and music installed in order to make the little patients’ stay in the hospital easier.

The tablets will be kept at the hospital’s reception desk and each parent can borrow them for a temporary use. We will place a sticker with information about the location and procedure for obtaining the mobile devices in each hospital room. Half of these devices were acquired with the support of Lenovo Bulgaria, the rest were purchased by the Foundation.

We passed to the hospital staff 15 vouchers donated by the audiobooks application Storytel. 15 parents will receive a one-month free access to the audio library for their children and themselves. Among the children’s titles are “The two towers”, “The fairy from the sugar bowl”, “Nie vrabchetata” (“We, the Sparrows”), “Yan Bibiyan on the Moon”.

This is the start of the campaign “Get Well Tales” (“Prikazka za ozdravyavane”) which is a step towards the establishment of a healing environment where the child does not feel isolated and deprived of their usual activities.

The initiative was announced on 1st June during Children’s Day. The actress Albena Pavlova did a live reading in the hospital of the first get well tale to the little patients.

The creation of a series of books is forthcoming. They will contain short texts and funny illustrations that tell to the children why they need their temperature measured, why their finger is being pierced for blood or what the stethoscope is used for. When the child is sick it is scared of everything unknown that is happening to them. Our goal with these short stories is to help them understand what the doctors are doing in order to help them overcome the stress that additionally complicates their recovery.

With the campaign “Get Well Tales” (“Prikazka za ozdravyavane”) and together with the director of the children’s hospital Blagomir Zdravkov we set the foundations for a change in the attitude towards the children patients in order for them to start participating fully in the healing process and receiving the warmth and empathy they need.

We would like to thank the audiobook application Storytel’s team and Lenovo Bulgaria for their support.

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