Author: NOVA TV
From children to children – adventures in Sofia with charity. “City Quests” is an idea developed by eight-graders from the 119th School in the capital. They are free to join. However, everyone is welcome to make a donation that will go to the Children of Heroes Fund.
The adventure begins in front of the National Palace of Culture. The NOVA team personifies a secret agent who is looking for a double agent of the mafia. Each “quest” has its own scenario and each route passes through a number of landmarks and details in Sofia.
“The idea was born with the support of our class teacher. It was a wonderful one and we started working hard on the project,” said Evgenia Perpelieva.
“The quests have different difficulty levels to cover all age groups. There are no limitations. And they are very interesting. Each one is unique in itself,” points out Sofia Dimova.
“We worked hard for months and in the end I think this pays off because we invested a lot of effort in it,” remarked Nikola Rachev.
The adventures are in English and are for charity. All funds raised go to the children of medical workers and teachers who died from COVID-19.
“The initiative is for thе Children of Heroes Fund. These are children who have become orphans as a result of their parents dying from COVID-19,” says Maria-Magdalena Bogdanova.
“People can donate. They can play for free as well or donate without playing. That is their choice,” remarks Kalina Ivanova.
“Because in this moment everyone needs support, it doesn’t matter what kind. They need it most now after they have suffered from this crisis,” claims Gabriela Dimitrova.
In order to activate one of the adventures the QR code of the “quest” has to be scanned in the Actionbound application. From there each adventurer receives clues and hints about which path to take. Different questions about the landmarks that are being visited are included as well. All adventures can be accessed through the “City Quest” campaign on the BCause foundation’s website. This is also where donations are being accepted.